Do you offer pre-assembled crossovers for the DIY kits?
No, all DIY kits are delivered as components and parts for 100% self-assembly.
Can you tell me which DIY kit I should choose?
We cannot tell you which DIY kit model is right for you, there are simply too many personal preferences to factor in, some of them are listed below.
- Budget
- Preferred driver manufacturer
- Specific drivers used, crossover design, filter order, etc.
- Room size and specific in-room placement
- Expectations for how loud you want to be able to play, bass performance, etc.
- What amplification you have available
- Overall design and size preferences
We also cannot tell you how the various DIY kit models sound in comparison to each other or compared to various commercial speaker models. Comparing speakers is not possible, unless we are talking about two speaker models using the exact same drivers, similar form factor, crossover design, etc.
Please read Mr. Gravesen’s full article on the subject by clicking HERE
Do the DIY kits come with components for two speakers?
Yes, except for the center speaker and subwoofer DIY kits.
All other DIY kits are delivered with parts to build two speakers (a stereo set).
Are the drivers (speaker units) included in the DIY kit prices and must they be ordered?
The drivers are not included in the DIY kit pricing, with the exception of the subwoofer and bass-module DIY kits.
It is only mandatory to order the drivers for the subwoofer and bass-module DIY kits
For all other DIY kits ordering the drivers from us is optional.
For DIY kits where we can include the drivers they must be added to the order in addition to the DIY kit itself.
In the DIY kit configurator you can add in any drivers you wish to add to your order in the step that follows the DIY kit selection itself.
Are the cabinet materials included in the DIY kits or can you deliver flat pack cabinets?
We unfortunately do not offer any of the cabinet materials and we also cannot offer flat pack cabinets.
Can I exclude or change crossover components, damping materials or the accessories from the DIY kits?
No, all the crossover components, damping materials and standard accessories must be included in the DIY kit “as is”.
In some cases we can exclude the damping materials for destinations outside Europe if including the damping materials are prohibitive in terms of shipping cost. This is offered on a case-by-case basis.
We do not offer to change any of the crossover component types, except for a some cases where we can offer to upgrade the tweeter and/or mid-range capacitors (please inquiry for more details).
What instructions come with the DIY kits and can anyone build the DIY kits?
The DIY kits come with a printed instruction containing the crossover schematic, a list of all component values included, a component placement drawing for the crossover boards, and the wiring chart.
We do not offer any step-by-step printed guides or video guides.
We can only offer the cabinet plans and information found in Troels Gravesen’s website in his articles for the various constructions.
The DIY kits are only suitable for customers that have previous experience with crossover assembly, building cabinets, and other overall speaker building experience.
Can I configure more than one DIY kit at a time?
No, you can only configure one DIY kit at a time.
If you want an offer for multiple DIY kits, please configure them one at a time.
We will then send you an offer with the joint shipping cost for all DIY kits configured.
Why is there not a downloadable complete pricelist for the DIY kits?
Due to the European Union e-commerce pricing directive, all prices for EU consumers must be shown including local VAT rates.
In the DIY configurator, for EU-based consumers, when choosing your EU country of residence, your prices will be shown including your local VAT rate.
For non-EU-based consumers, VAT does not apply, you will instead see net pricing, excluding any local import tax that may apply.
We have added filters to the DIY kit selection step where you can filter by type and category and then sort by price.
Why is the shipping cost not shown in the price summary?
The exact shipping cost for the specific DIY kit you have configured will be emailed to you within 5 business days of completing the configuration of a DIY kit as a written offer.
The written offer will have the same pricing you received when configuring the DIY kit, with the only addition being the shipping cost.
Unfortunately we do not have the option to link the configurator to the various couriers online pricing tools.
We must therefore calculate the exact shipping cost manually, as it greatly varies depending on:
* Destination country
* Shipping method
* The weight, sizing and number of boxes needed
* Insured value of the shipment
We will always choose the the cheapest shipping option to your location, unless that option has proven to be unreliable.
How do I finalize and place the order?
Once you have completed the last step of the configuration and entered your details, an e-mail summary will be sent to us and a to you as well.
We will then get back to you within 5 business days with the final price, including the exact shipping cost to your location.
What payment options do you offer?
We offer payment via payment card or bank transfer.
For card transactions, we use the service provider called “Stripe” and we will send you a secure link for online card payment.
We accept all major credit and debit cards, as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Polish customers paying in PLN can only pay via bank transfer.
What currencies do you use?
We only offer invoicing and payment in Euros (€), except for customers from Poland, who are charged in PLN.
Can I order the DIY kit from my local distributor or reseller?
No, the DIY kits can only be ordered directly from Jantzen Audio and are not sold via our distributors or resellers.